Aye to AI: The 'I' doesn't mean 'Intimidating'!

Now is the Time to Stop Fearing Artificial Insemination

The Dog Breeder Store will make it easy!

The Dog Breeder Store is more than one-stop shopping for dog breeders.

Over the past 10+ years, The Dog Breeder Store has empowered too many breeders to count, at all levels, making simple, successful DIY projects out of tail docking, dewclaw removal, tube feeding, stuck puppies, and other intimidating subjects.

Our latest now-you-can-DIY project is a canine semen collection and artificial insemination (AI) kit. Works for side-by-side or fresh-chilled.

Yes, you can do it yourself!

No, we're not the only ones out there with a collection/AI kit. We looked. There aren't many, but they exist. Most have no instructions at all. Those that do are 1 skimpy page, unillustrated, assume that you are already at least somewhat experienced, and written in medical jargon. And most omit some important equipment.

That's not how we roll at The Dog Breeder Store! Here's how ours is better:

  • Not only is our kit complete, but it includes a thorough instruction booklet with step-by-step instructions, illustrated with clear, color photographs taken during an actual collection and insemination, and diagrams that show what's happening on the inside of the dam and stud.  
  • It's written for—and tested by—first timers
  • And most importantly—again, like our other products—it's informed by 50+ years of breeding experience and tested in our lab.

We also look at the situations where you would use side-by-side or fresh-chilled collection and AI. We provide tips for helping the stud become comfortable with being collected. And to supplement the manual, we provide a free video playlist to show you the process, start-to-finish.

Next time you have a breeding situation that calls for side-by-side or fresh-chilled AI, be empowered to do it yourself! With the assistance of The Dog Breeder Store's new Canine Semen Collection and Artificial Insemination (AI) Kit!