Three Book/DVD Set for Dog Breeders
Book 1 – Puppy Intensive Care with DVD
Save puppy lives!
Learn to use the same techniques that medical hospitals use on human
newborns to save the lives of puppies.
Because many of the problems encountered in newborn pups have nothing to
do with genetics or birth defects, it is important for the breeder to be
prepared to administer simple, straightforward measures to help a puppy in
distress. Puppy Intensive Care book and
DVD will teach you exactly what you need to do, how to do it, and when to do
You will learn:
-How to evaluate the status of a newborn puppy so you can
decide what to do for him
-How to warm a chilled pup, administer oxygen and hydration
-What the best way is to replace colostrum if the mom can’t
provide it
-How to care for orphaned pups
-What equipment to have on hand, where to buy it
economically, and how to use it
Book 2 – Canine Reproduction and Whelping Book
This book brings together information that is invaluable for
today’s dog breeder. Learn how facts about human reproduction, conception and
birth can get confused with the very different biology and physiology of the
dog. Learn how fragile sperm truly are,
when artificial insemination is preferred, and about the unseen causes of
unsuccessful breedings.
You will learn:
-How to prepare your young stud dog for breeding
-How to tell when the bitch is ready to be bred
-About the role of progesterone in breeding and how to use
it to succeed
-About easy, normal whelpings contrasted with nightmare
whelping experiences
-C-Sections made understandable and how to handle aftercare
of the bitch
-How to remove dewclaws with the least trauma to mom and
Book 3 – Advanced Canine Reproduction and Puppy Care
This book adds advanced information to complete this three
book set for dog breeders
Learn about:
-The "Dog Room" and how it represents a milestone for the new
-How something as simple as adequate sunlight can improve
your breeding results
-Myra’s perspective on why the number of C-Sections are
going up and how they can be avoided
-What fetal monitoring can and can’t tell you and your vet
-Indispensable tools and products such as Fenugreek, Delee
Suction Catheters and Myra’s handmade puppy formula. The Dog Breeder Store also recommends a version of her amazing homemade formula with some added ingredients to boost immunity.
Myra Savant Harris R.N. is a breeder of Cavalier King
Charles Spaniels and author of this highly regarded series. Myra combines her life-long interest in
animals with her professional experience as a labor and delivery and neonatal
care nurse to bring you these invaluable resources. Myra is sought after by breeders around the
country to present seminars on her methods.
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