Will this "detox” my pet?
It will help to support your animal's liver, kidneys, gallbladder, and pancreas. All of these organs are paramount in the detoxification process so by supporting them, it helps those organs to detoxify in a healthy way. We have seen great results in helping the liver to work at detoxifying against drugs and chemicals. For example, antibiotics, steroids, NSAIDs, and flea and tick meds.
Will my pet experience uncomfortable side effects?
The wonderful thing about this product is that it is so gentle yet so effective. We have not had any experience with any animals feeling uncomfortable. In fact, it is the opposite! Often the animal will feel so much better because the are gently and correctly detoxifying!
Will this interfere with other liver medications?
We have used it for years with animals that are on all kinds of liver medications but it is ALWAYS best to check with your veterinarian if your animal is on any medication.
How long will it last?
Up to 60lb dog - 1 bottle will last 60 days
Over 60lb dog - 1 bottle will last 30 days
Which liver detoxing product should I order?
We offer two liver detoxing products at The Dog Breeder Store. This is because we like to rotate the ways in which we do body detoxing in our breeding program at Gentry Boxers. (We also find it useful to try these products on ourselves. Although they are not labeled for human use, they contain human grade ingredients, so we see no reason not to use them ourselves. We do and love them.
Liver/Kidney Clean by Four Leaf Rover is an herbal product specifically targeting the liver and kidney systems. It contains 4 types of detoxing mushrooms, burdock root, yellow dock root, dandelion, marshmallow root and curcumin, We like to use this on a bi-annual basis, kind of like spring and fall cleaning.
Liver Tonic by Adored Beast is a different set of herbals (Berberis,Chelidonium, Silybum milk thistle, Dandelion) and is based in glycerine. It targets the entire secreting organ system, including liver, kidneys, pancreas and gallbladder.
We like to rotate these two detoxing choices with our dogs (and ourselves). The Liver Tonic is very tasty and is one of the few detoxing products that my family is willing to take straight out of the bottle.
Please consult your veterinarian, but we would not recommend using both products at the same time.