Homeopathic Lyssin
Potency: 200C
Type: Homeopathic pellets.
Size: 1/2-dram bottle
Manufactured by a licensed pharmacy for The Dog Breeder Store
Approximately 30+ servings per bottle, depending on whether you water dose or use pellets directly from bottle. A half dram bottle is about half the size of a 4 gram bottle.
Lyssin may be included as an important part of your pet's wellness support. You may see 'Lyssin' spelled 'Lyssinum'.
Typical serving instructions: Give 1 serving only and repeat in 2 weeks. This should be enough to see some changes if this remedy is the correct one. Many health professionals suggest not repeating the remedy if changes are not seen.
One serving = A small number of pellets will dissolve on the mucous membranes. It does not need to be swallowed. Can also be water dosed by putting a few pellets into a squirt or dropper bottle with distilled water, let it dissolve and squirt a little bit into the mouth.
Homeopathics are not dosed by weight of the animal. The medicine simply needs to touch a mucous membrane to be considred "dosed".
Water dosing - Mixing it into a squirt bottle with distilled water is also a good way to dose homeopathics. A small amount of brandy or vodka can be added to preserve it. But for animals, we tend to not preserve the water dosing solutions so the animals aren't receiving alcohol. This is your personal choice. Our recommendation is that once they are dosed, rinse the preparation out of the bottle.
No food or water 30 minutes before or after whenever possible. Store away from electrical devices.
Please note: this product does not replace a veterinary examination and assessment; we recommend that you contact your veterinary practitioner prior to starting any treatment. For severe or life-threatening reactions, contact your veterinarian immediately.
Packaging may look slightly different from that shown in photograph. This product is not returnable for refund.
This store does not dispense medical advice, nor do we hold credentials in homeopathics. Please seek guidance from a credentialed homeopath. We cannot diagnose, treat or recommend remedies. This is a personal choice made by the buyer of the product.
The material contained in this website is for informational purposes only and no assumptions should be made regarding its accuracy. Any information provided here and any recommendations made should not be used to, nor are intended to, diagnose, treat cure or mitigate any specific health problem. Anybody with any health complaints should seek the care and consultation of an appropriately licensed health care practitioner. No attempt should be made to use any information provided here as a form of treatment for any specific condition without approval and guidance of a licensed veterinarian.
Disclaimer: The Dog Breeder Store does not diagnose or treat illnesses or injury in pets and accepts no liability for results that are less than optimal, injury or death relative to use of this product or instructions. Consult a licensed veterinarian if you suspect that your pet is experiencing pain or infection.
Disclaimer: Any information given in this website is not intended to be taken as a replacement for medical advice. The Dog Breeder Store does not diagnose or treat illnesses or injury in pets and accepts no liability for results that are less than optimal, injury or death relative to use of this product or instructions. Consult a licensed veterinarian if you suspect that your pet is experiencing pain or infection. Not FDA evaluated. Like all homeopathic remedies, the ingredients in this kit have undergone extensive series of successive dilutions before being used. Only infinitesimal amounts of the poison remain in the final preparation. Because of this extreme dilution, commercially available homeopathic preparations are considered safe.
This homeopathic product has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration for safety or efficacy. FDA is not aware of scientific evidence to support homeopathy as effective. The theory of homeopathy is based on the work of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in the 1800s and are not accepted by most modern medical experts.