Stuck Puppy Kit
There are times when a puppy is either positioned incorrectly for easy birth, or is a bit too large to get past the pubic bones. Frequently it is the first puppy who has trouble since the puppies in the lower portion of the horn may grow the largest and may be most likely to get stuck along the way. These puppies, when born, often do not have the amniotic sac and fluid that lubricates their movement through the birth canal. You can replace that lubrication using this kit by filling a 20 cc syringe with a lubricant and attaching a tube. Place the syringe well inside the vagina and put all 20 cc of lubricant into her vaginal canal.
This kit contains detailed instructions on use so that even the most novice breeder can safely follow instructions. Various methods for helping reposition puppies in the birth canal are included, along with color photos and instructions. Know when to use each one, and how, and when to seek veterinary assistance.
Having an excellent Stuck Puppy Kit is recommended by Myra Savant-Harris, author of Puppy Intensive Care, Canine Reproduction and Whelping, and Advanced Canine Repro and Puppy Care. These are the stuck puppy kits that no breeder should be without and they have become invaluable in my own nursery at Gentry Boxers. I would not raise a litter without this Kit on hand.
Instructions for use and supporting video help the novice or experienced breeder learn to recognize and help puppies who may need a bit of extra help getting out of mom.
Most lubricants on the market are not actually safe to use in vagina or mouth. Moms will be licking whatever you put on them, so they need to be safe to ingest. KY Jelly contains parabens, and most others contain petroleum products. None of them are safe for dogs. We researched many choices for lubricating stuck puppies and found a completely safe, natural alternative that is not only safe for vagina and ingestion, but also nicely lubricating. Some of the more natural lubricants are very sticky and don't work well in stuck puppy situations. We want slippery and safe! We package this kit with Aloe Cadabra organic lubricating gel that contains enough for approximately 2 applications of 20 cc each.
Recommended products to purchase with Stuck Puppy Kit:
Extra catheters for your Stuck Puppy Kit
Myra Savant-Harris's awesome books and full DVD Seminar to help with critical care and whelping issues for your library before whelping your litter. Read them and be prepared for anything, including orphans or puppies who need extra support.
Delee catheter to suction puppies after birth. Works so much better than a bulb syringe!
Extra bottles of AloeCadabra Organic Lubricating Gel for your Stuck Puppy Kit.
Extra 20 cc slip tip syringes - good for oral medications, tube feeding, and more. These syringes do not fit the Stuck Puppy Tubes.
Saline with syringe for hydration.
Extra Grab Gloves for helper.
Extra Gauze Pads for cleanup and grabbing help.
Fading Puppy Support and Rescue Remedy to help with revival of puppy once born.