One of my favorite things about homeopathy — and truthfully, there are so many — is that it is an equal-opportunity medical paradigm! Whether the sufferer is a baby or a grandfather, a mom or a mouse, homeopathy has been shown to be equally polite and efficacious.
Indeed, homeopathy displays no ageism or speciesism! Come one; come all! No matter who you are (or what you are), homeopathy belongs to you!
It makes no difference if it’s a dog vomiting after getting into the garbage or a human made sick from eating bad food from an unclean restaurant. (After all, garbage is garbage.) Indeed, we would consider the same medicines in the same potency with the same frequency.

So, for our example of vomiting from bad food, it might be Pulsatilla nigricans or Arsenicum album (or others, but for the sake of brevity, let's start with these two)— for either Rover or the man of the house. Homeopathy doesn’t discriminate.
I’ve told the story before (listen to Podcast 106: “Old MacDonald Had a Farm, E-I-E-I-O.”) about a cow who collapsed after giving birth. The farmer was seasoned and had seen this happen many times. It's called milk fever. (The medical term is hypocalcemia — a severe drop in calcium.)
This distraught farmer was preparing himself to lose the cow. Once this condition takes hold, cows don’t get up after birth and are usually gone within three days. Then, naturally, his concern would turn to the calf. With her mother no longer there to nurse and nourish her, he would, more than likely, be facing the loss of two heads of cattle — two important animals.

But he called me for help. Homeopathy has been shown to uproot this condition by correcting the sufferer’s ability to uptake calcium through the medicine Calcarea carbonica 200. He delivered one dose to the suffering animal (details in the podcast), and then, almost like clockwork, the farmer called me again in about half an hour. The suffering momma-cow had risen to her feet and was on the mend!"
credit: All Creatures Great and Small - JoetteCalabrese.com